If you’re an active user of Viber (a popular VoIP – free internet calling – service), then you’re probably aware that with the last update, Viber has a completely revamped look, with stunning aesthetics and an easily manageable interface. However, with that update came the support for calls not only from phone to phone (with Viber installed), but also for phone to computer, computer to phone and computer to computer (with Viber installed).
Viber has been available on a huge variety of platforms (on phones) for a while now, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry (upto OS 7) and so on. This has made Viber like the “WhatsApp” of phone/video calls. But with the inclusion of PCs and Macs, Viber might be pushing Skype (the most popular VoIP service currently available – bought over by Microsoft for a cool 8 billion dollars) to come up with something fast before people start making the switch.
After all, why wouldn’t people make the switch? Viber (almost) has the same interface across every platform that it runs on, including PCs and Macs, making the entire experience easier (unlike Skype, which, for starters, has very different interfaces on the Windows App Store and the Windows Legacy Desktop to begin with). Further, Viber offers the ability to simply switch your conversation from your computer to your smartphone with the click of a button, without interrupting your call. To get a glimpse of Viber for yourself, click here (video link to YouTube).
With plans to release on Linux-based operating systems soon, Viber is quickly growing in popularity. Also, with a BlackBerry 10 version already on its way to the app store, you can’t go wrong by downloading this free software/app. Being a Skype user myself for so many years, I’m beginning to fall in love with Viber, mostly because of its consistency over multiple platforms, unlike Skype. Let me know what you think in the comments section. If you like posts like this, please visit http://d3tech3d.wordpress.com/ to see a list of posts by the same author. In the meantime, keep the comments rolling and remember – the cake is a lie!